here i am
inhaling the delicate silence and
teetering on the edge of darkness
juggling the insistent words
of my own secret
feverish with the sound
of my own tremulous
yet paralyzed...
in the fragile echo
of hope
it’s a precarious balance
this life that we live….
about a year ago i started collecting words – any time i ran
across words that spoke directly to me, words that carried more than a mediocre
dose of meaning i would write them down.
eventually i started
combining the words into simple phrases – just for fun. i made a whole slew of 2-5 word sequences
that fit together in a provocative way.
i typed the whole list up a while back and ended up with several pages
of seemingly nonsensical jargon.
it’s fun to play with these little phrases and combine them
in new and interesting ways. somehow
this little poem came out of my play and, for me, it holds more meaning that i
ever would have guessed. you should try
it sometime!

thanks for being there!!!!
(all iphone macros)