ok, i have to admit…. i’ve been distracted lately. as much as i know in my heart the futility of
comparing myself with others and their successes and accomplishments and even
teach in my classes about how to avoid this….it still happens. and much as i try to talk myself out of it
and try to avert my attention sometimes my thoughts go in obsessive spirals
that i seem powerless to control.
a few things that help:
just knowing what i explained above. i’m not alone in this – it’s a common artist
pitfall. it’s temporary. i can move on. it’s happened before. it will likely happen again.
getting out and reaching out to others. my problems seem like a joke in light of what
many others are dealing with. in this
case, working with my inside out girls and seeing their enthusiasm has really
getting out in nature and letting my thoughts clear. i went hiking yesterday to torrey pines. when i sat down at the beach and picked up my
pen, these are the words that immediately came to me: “follow your own
path”. so simple and something i already
know so well, but the reminder was what i needed. no one else’s path is right for me. what they are doing and accomplishing does
not concern me (other than to congratulate them and wish them well.)
so for me, specifically, (my path) this means:
be with nature, deeply, and learn from its
find inspiration in my own life and the things
and people around me and use that in creating
work with women, locally, specifically those who
are not experiencing the joys of creativity, even if that means a class of 2
people because that is who needs to be there.
realize that all the time and effort and
enthusiasm i have put into projects that have “fallen flat” is not
wasted. it is energy that will be of
value sometime in some way.
the last one is the hardest for me to do. sometimes i wholeheartedly believe that…. but
other times…. well, let’s just say it’s a big challenge. thanks for listening…