Monday, October 12, 2015

A Year of Changes

it’s my birthday week so time to reflect.   it’s been a year of changes…. that’s for sure!  last year at this time we were getting ready for the trip north to “check out” this area and see if it might be feasible to consider living here.  now here we are, all the moving chaos behind us, settled, heavily involved in home repairs, adjusting to the climate and busy with new friends, creative endeavors  and activities.


do i miss things about socal? absolutely.  would i do it all over again?  also absolutely.  we loved living there all those years, and it was seriously hard to leave long-established friendships, but we both felt it was time for a change.  a change to quieter, cooler, cleaner, smaller, greener and wilder.  and that is exactly what we got.

 i’m still the same person.  still have the same issues and insecurities.  and there are new problems to deal with for sure.  life is expensive here.  but the newness has been pretty exhilarating. we are still in that phase in which we sometimes can’t believe that we really did it.  that we really LIVE here and don’t have to turn around and spend 2 and a half days to go home. 

so…. so far, so good!  the long, cold, dark winter awaits.  yes, i’m a little bit freaked out by that…but also excited for the challenge of making the most of it in new and creative ways.  after all, one thing aging teaches us is that it’s what’s inside that counts and attitude is pretty much everything.  so bring it on!  and here’s to another year of blessings and challenges, beauty and wisdom, growth and learning.  cheers!