Friday, October 30, 2009

Too Much Beauty

is there such a thing as too much beauty?

i'm on overload

and feel I'm losing the ability to absorb

like a waterlogged sponge

I feel the need to ration it -

to dole it out in measured doses

so I can comprehend the essence

of each new vista, slowly...

let it drip

deep into the hidden recesses of my being

like an intravenous elixir

until i meld with the energy that surrounds me

then spread it on the bread

that is my everyday life

my cup runneth over

(written recently while traveling the Ouray - Silverton Million Dollar Highway)


  1. Wow, I didn't know you were a writer, too, in addition to your photography! What else are you hiding???? This is beautiful.

  2. i second that Lori....yes, Patty what else are you hiding from us?!?!
    beautiful photos and words! just GOR-JUSS!

  3. yes to all the above. whoa, patty, lovely! so very happy you got off that fence to share this

  4. This is a BEAUTIFUL Blog, Patty! I look forward to reading it often! You did a great job!!

  5. i know it's already been voiced, but geez louise miss patty! you are an extraordinary writer! so happy to see you here. i look forward to catching up on you and your beautful photography..(& words)

  6. Patty, depth is thy name. MEG


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