Thursday, October 14, 2010

Birthdays, Aging and Trade-offs

the decades of my life

strike an ever-broadening

chord on the keyboard of


at this time

and in this place

harmonizing with each other

in a rainbow melody

the reverberations curl heavenward

fading in the mist

then coming into focus

once again

as memories

rearrange themselves

in a twisted yet tantalizing tune


The Decades of my Life

i wrote this as i was turning fifty.  now that already seems a distant memory.  i’m going to be brutally honest here.  as much as we try to couch aging by saying it’s just a number or you’re only as old as you feel or we’re just getting better with age, the reality is that aging kind of sucks.  i mean, i ask you, who really wants to give up their vibrant, energetic, youthful body and face and exchange them for ones that creak and sag, moan and drag??  nothing about this is fun!  and it’s hard to put a good spin on it unless…..

unless you can separate the person from the body.  I mean i honestly can’t believe i’m this old, but the fact is, it’s really just my body that’s getting old.  i’m still the same person that i was at 22 or 33 or 44 (despite what the mirror says).  except wiser.  and mellower.  and more experienced.  and more accepting.  and, yes, happier!

as with so many things in life, it’s a trade-off.  and one that i gladly accept….. given the alternative.  so i’m incredibly grateful to be celebrating fifty-eight healthy years on this earth!!


  1. Oh, Patty, that last photo! It is bursting with magic!

    Happy birthday to you! I'm so glad you are here.


  2. Wow, Patty, great pictures.
    Happy happy birthday to you!!! In Germany we have a song that says "wie schoen, dass du geboren bist" which means - how beautiful that you were born. So I sing this to you.

  3. ...trying to catch up...and MISSING you.


  4. Every word you have written here is part of my belief system. With each stage of our lives we let something go and accept new gifts. Beautifully written. The last photo is pure magic. Happy Birthday Patty. Enjoy the moment.

  5. Thanks so much you guys! It's turning out to be a magical day mostly because of all the lovely well-wishes!! The last photo is looking at a sunset through my champagne glass a while back. I thought it was fitting!

  6. Dearest sweet Patty-happy happy happy birthday-I hope that your day was filled with lots of special wishes, kisses and...b-day cake!!! And above all else-good health and love. I can totally relate to what you are saying here about getting older...I am 41 and I have a toddler...uh...yeah I gave birth the same month I turned 40. Some days I really feel my age after keeping up with Tara! But you are so right...age is a trade off...I share your sentiment in that what is the alternative? And I would not want to be that person in my twenties. I think its' quite sad that we live in this youth-obsessed culture where (especially as women) ..we are not supposed to age! Your spirit is young and shiny...I can see it all the way from here:)
    About your class were just so beautiful Patty! And you still are:)I am so glad that you had such a wonderful time reconnecting with old friends. I would be one of those people that would probably not attend...miserable High School experience!
    And on storytelling-what a wonderful gift your mother left you by writing down her story...and what a wonderful gift you are giving her and your future generations by recording it. What a graet b-day special. xxx

  7. Aahh..Happy Birthday Sweet Patty! And Yes, I totally relate to the getting older thing. I think it was Bette Davis that was quoted as saying, "Getting Old Ain't For Sissies." I sooo totally agree. It's no fun.

    But Friend, I'm Fifty-Five, and ya know I do feel myself slowing down little by little, but inside my soul I feel precisely the same way I always did. Like that young girl who wants to fit everything in before Jesus calls me Home.

    Thanks for the kind compliment left at my place regarding my recent product-photos. Coming from someone whose photography I greatly admire..I took your observations very seriously. So again..Thanks for making my day with your generous words.

    Here's hoping you have a glorious weekend! Hugs, Terri


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