we fret and complain
about the pace of time…
it’s going too fast
where did it go?
i can’t believe i’m already ___
the fact is
nothing has changed
time “moves” exactly as it always has
one second, one minute, one hour at a time
marching relentlessly forward
like a grinning energizer bunny
with no reverse button
we have access to just as many nows
as we ever have
(or anyone has had)
an endless parade of them
as long as we are drawing breath
there for the taking
if we choose to do so
it’s the busyness
that obscures the nows
like a giant whiteout pen
masks their potential loveliness and joy
and catapults them into oblivion
leaving us wondering
wherever did they go??
you may have wondered
(and i do too)
is it worth it?
(thankfully, the salton sea has a magical way of slowing it all down...
take a moment and soak it in)