Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Full Moon!

3 times i started out on my walk this morning only to find the moon sinking in such an incredible way that i had to turn around and photograph it.  i'd start out again, but it just kept getting better until it finally disappeared behind the house that you see.  so amazing, but so short-lived!

funny thing is, this is not really the full moon.  that will happen tonight.  so don't forget to step out and take a look.  happy moon gazing!!


  1. I saw it last night and it looked so full! I'm trying a new thing .. where I take time to do a meditation and give thanks on the night of the new moon and the night of the full moon. It seems fitting. Which I think means I need to walk the pup and turn the computer off soon. ;)

    What a beauty of a moon.

  2. Again, incredible shots, Patty. So close, yet so far away. Have you been able to spot mars beside the moon? It's very close just now. I'm going upstairs to have a peek.

  3. This is amazing, Patty. I've tried to take pictures of the full moon, byt hey, mine are NOTHING compared to yours. Super-beautiful! Great atmosphere. I love these!

  4. Dear Patti,
    I have thought about you alot today. I am i Sedona with my camera and i just think about the amazing pictures you take on your trips.Thank you for sharing I am always in admiration of the beauty you capture..

  5. LOVE
    your "about me" description,
    i'm in awe of this full moon sighting,
    & taken w/the peace of your blog.
    lahahovely to visit!

  6. such gorgeoous captures Patty!! these are amazing...yay for moon gazing (and early morning walks - you are inspiring)! xo

  7. Absolutely stunning!! Yes -happy full moon!!!

  8. Hi Patty,
    I saw a comment of yours on Rachel Awes' blog. Just thought I'd wave hello and say thank you for listing Inspiring Creativity as a favorite book. I have an article in it near the back of the book called "Creativity and Your Inner Guide". My last name and contact info has changed since publication. Happy Reading!
    PS I really like your blog!


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