87 steps
(that’s how far it was from my cottage to the beach)
i sit down
look out across the lake
what was a dark veil
breaks open
and the light sneaks out
i’m catapulted
in a raw crescendo
to the edge of being
and the brink of tears
for life
for time
for humanity
for those who have walked before
and for those who have yet to walk
for this moment.....
my soul feels full
ready to burst forth
into a cascade
of iridescent bubbles
or a blast of fireworks
words and emotions pour forth
bubbling up and
foaming over the brim
did you ever have an experience that feels defining? like in a particular moment your life has
been leading up to this point? and like
forever afterward things will refer back to that point? and like in that moment everything is
there. nothing is lacking. and your heart feels physically full. like it might just burst. and like you want to keep repeating that
moment, but you know it’s impossible.
and then your heart aches because it’s beautiful and terrible all at the
same time. probably not doing justice
here with words because there are none.
but just hoping maybe you can relate on some level....