Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wild Places

the wild places call to me.
their succulent whispers
dripping with honey
and ripe
with shimmering seduction

nature in its purest form
wide open skies
endless prairies
ancient rocks
seas… lakes…. rivers
the cry of the coyote
the song of the bird

it must be deep within my dna
or perhaps some ghostly nostalgia,
molten memories
of a former life…

i do know it’s a call
that i cannot ignore.
i can’t begin to define
with mere words
the magnetic bond
 that i feel with these places
beyond time and space
and hints of a doorway
into the eternal


 by time you read this, i should be finding myself in some brand new wild places on the big island of hawaii.  thanks so much for stopping by!!


  1. i had goose bumps looking at the photos! they are absolutely beautiful!! love it! thanks for sharing.

  2. Amazing photos!!! I can't wait for spring break when we finally will go to wild places again. We haven't been for such a long time.
    I hope you enjoy your time in Hawaii - I'm sure we'll get some pretty awesome pictures to see when you return.

  3. WOW! These scenes are absolutely stunning. Can't wait to see what you bring back from Hawaii!

  4. Just getting caught up, Patty. To much fun with company. Extremely beautiful shots and such a variety too! Can't wait to see what's happening on the big Island these days -- it's been a long time. ENJOY, m'dear. hugs, Donna

  5. o m g., it's a very beautiful place., patty.,


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