i will leave you with that thought as i head out in the morning for the midwest. i know this is true, but i need a little reminding now and then. i truly believe if we are open to the wonders, we will find them and they will make our lives that much richer. try it!
this is my first trip to michigan in over 2 years. when my parents were alive, i went much more frequently, but this time it’s a class reunion prompting my return to the city of my roots. we are not a class that reunions often – in fact, it has been 30 years since the last and only one! yikes – these people are now grandparents! what happened?? it should be very interesting and i’m so glad we will have nametags!!
it will also be a great time of family connecting. both of my siblings and most of their growing families live in the area. not sure i can see everyone, but i’ll give it a shot! also really looking forward to a girls’ overnight in saugatuck on lake michigan with my sisters. we try to do this every year, but we have missed a few!
and then there is artprize. my good friend debra and her partner have put together an amazing contribution to this major art event, which the whole city gets behind. the entries are from all over the globe and there is huge prize $$ involved, based on the votes of the people. her entry has to do with the consequences of the recession on the lives of individuals and my little story of losing my job is included in the piece. so excited to see this!!
on the home front, muffy seems to be doing very well. thank you SO much for the well-wishes you have sent our way!! these pets of ours always amaze me with their ability to adapt and carry on without complaining. 2 weeks on meds, then re-dos on the x-rays, hoping no surgery will be required!
back to my original theme: “life is short and every day there is an element of magic, miracle and mirth to be deeply embraced” jill badonsky
and furthermore.... i was listening to a little moody blues on my ipod to get into the 70’s reunion mode and happened upon this line from “dawn is a feeling”:
“you look around you, things they astound you”....well said, justin.
oh, one more thing: new post on my retreat blog. thanks for stopping, enjoy the wonders out there and see you next week!!