Friday, April 1, 2011

Blurring the Lines

i pretty much tiptoed into the art world through the back door.  when i started doing photography, i in no way saw myself as an artist.  i have to confess, when i first started meeting with the vista art association (now the vaf) i totally felt like such an impostor.  here i was in the midst of all these true artists and i was just a measly photo-taker.  

it was a gradual process.  even after i started selling my work and finally mustered the guts to step up and call myself a photographer, i felt defined by that word.  in that box.   i felt that i didn’t have much in common with the painters and sculptors who were showing their work right next to mine.

but i started to notice something (uh, yea, a bit of a slow learner, here…) some of the artists who painted also wrote poetry.  some of the sculptors were also good photographers.  some who had a very established and successful “style” were stepping out of their comfort zones and taking classes in different mediums.  wow – the lines were blurring!  you mean those creative instincts can cross over and spill into entirely different arenas??

it has taken me a long time, but i’m starting to get it.  here’s the thing: if you nourish yourself with a steady diet of creative inspiration, it will start to bubble up and ooze out all over the place (if you let it), not just in one tightly-defined venue.  i just signed up for this e-course and i have no idea of the journey i’m about to embark on, but i’m ready for the ride!! 

and not in my wildest dreams would i have imagined when i started down this path that i would be planning and leading creativity retreats.  my car is packed and i’m ready to head on up the mountain for a whole weekend of creative goodness.  in all it’s wonderful diverse and varied forms!! 


  1. Oh Patty .. how exciting. EXPANSION OF SPIRIT! Nothing like it. It seems to have happened to me as well ... everything I try I want more of and it's making it difficult to know where to focus. I guess we don't have to as long as we are having fun. The E-Course looks fabulous. Love the photos in this post ... as always m'dear. So YOU and so wonderful you are sharing with us. Hugs from Mexico.

  2. Wish I could join your creative weekend in the mountains.

  3. blurring the lines is good...really good!!!

    loving you

  4. I love how you wrote this post. I was thinking the same thing, "it will start to bubble up and ooze out all over the place". Good for you. Let it ooze. :)

  5. You are on such an amazing journet Patty, I hope your creative weekend was total bliss!

  6. oh wow! i am on that very same journey. creativity just spilling over and i'm just in for the fun. i enjoyed this post very much and those photos are amazing.

  7. I love this! One reason I love to call myself an artist is that it's undefined. I can have multiple mediums I play in, it doesn't matter, I'm still an artist.

  8. Love how you've expanded upon the vision and definition of 'artist'. Very inspiring!

  9. i couldn't agree with you's sooooo fun to get out of your comfort zone and try new things!! you never know where it leads you to!! (lovely photos!!!)

  10. I really loved this post. And I feel like my lines have been blurring lately too. What I love about it is anything goes...and we can create whatever we want!


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