Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rust, Decay and a Happy Ending

last year i showed some of the sad and strange dilapidation that is part and parcel of the salton sea experience here and here.   

you cannot visit this place without being affected by its rotting and rusted structures, shouting their messages of abandonment and shattered dreams.

real lives were lived here, conversations, routines, parties, triumphs and tragedies, their stories now buried beneath the rubble.  it’s powerful.

 only one year later and things have changed, 
imperceptibly, hurling toward entropy.  

with one notable exception....

the north shore beach and yacht club.  

here is a vintage postcard from the 60’s.
on the back it's called the "glamour capital of the Salton Sea."

here are my photos from our visit just a few years back:

as we were driving down the highway, 
we were astounded to see that this structure has been revived.  
we stopped and found out that it is now a museum 
and community center 
and will soon once again have 
a beach and boat slips.  
there is hope after all!

when you read this we will once again be heading for the desert. 
our trip ended early and after much deliberation, 
we decided to complete the journey
before it gets too hot out there.  

 it’s the lure of the snow on the mountains and the wildflowers 
that are calling my name and i can’t seem to say no!


  1. of course you know i love vintage...anything.
    this has big crocodile tears on my face. to
    see that they saved that museum warms my heart.
    once show me history of our land.

    have a great trip. i am also giggling thinking of you stuck in the legion parking lot. enjoy every moment.

  2. The Salton Sea is still on my list of places I want to visit. So cool that they revived the yacht club!

    I am giggling at the image of you constructing an escape route. Too bad there were no photos.

    Have a wonderful trip!

  3. Happy you are making a second change trip. Have fun. It's wonderful to see a new era rising out of the rubble. Dreams and Hope ... so important to we humans@

  4. The contrast between the 'wealth' of the yacht club and surrounding decay is shocking. Wonderful series of images!


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