Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some Thoughts...

i've been having fun with my "want what you have" experiment and will get back to that soon.  i'm so excited that some of you will be joining in for this challenge.   i think you will find it enlightening!!  in the meantime...

i’ve recently completed my hospice training and wanted to share some thoughts. the complete title of this post is “some thoughts on death and dying”, but i was afraid that would scare you away. it’s not exactly a hot blog topic, is it? i get that, but i also feel that our society is so in denial on this subject and i wanted to (gingerly) address it.. i’ve actually written a poem about this which i’ll save for another time.....

i wanted to share some of the perspective which hospice applies to their mission:
  • death is a natural part of life - a transition following our earthly journey
  • being invited into a person’s home at this time of life is a great, great honor
  • those helping the person making the transition are blessed by the experience
  • even if the patient is able to do very little, their purpose may be to bless us
  • the transition of exiting this life (as in entering it) is a beautiful thing

i find these thoughts to be so powerful. they express why i signed up to do this work. i haven't started yet, but i'm looking forward to it. i'll keep you posted.



  1. beautiful post Patty and ...

    very powerful statements that are so true and comforting.

    what a wonder that you will be doing this will be such a blessing to those you come in contact with!!

    sending a big hug!

  2. Did you take the photos of the wilderness between your words Patty? They are beautiful , and I think symbolic of the "road" of life. I'd like to know where those trails are. I think your hospice work is very brave.

  3. Hospice work is something which has always interested me. I've done a tremendous amount of work with older people. The aging process is unique for each of us. Death and dying is part of life ... I do agree Patty. I view it as a transition as well. Not as an ending, but a beginning of another phase of the journey. I cared for both my parents and were with each of them when they crossed over. It was indeed an honour to be witness to the beauty of the last part of the earthly journey. I will never fear death again. I would not change a thing about it. It will be a wondrous memory which will be with me always, and comfort me when my time to make that journey comes. You will learn so much from your hospice work - you will grow light years in a short time. You are blessed to be able to do this work, and all those whom you are with at the end of their earthly journey will be so very blessed to have you, to have known you, to have shared your life in that way.

  4. Death and dying really is a natural part of life. I wonder why we spend so much time trying to avoid and escape thinking about it. It seems like, if I could recognize that it's natural, it would be rather freeing.

    I'm so glad you are sharing the things you learn - I think they will help me (and others) as well.

    Beautiful photos, as always.


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